Page history
last edited
by PBworks 18 years, 1 month ago
- Hand them in today
- you can hand them in late until the start of the exam
- Complete is important
- On time is important
- More photos are posted at http://flickr.com/photos/connors934/sets/72157594315088899/
- pictures with identifiable people are pretty much all hidden from public view
- If you want access to all the high school age kids' pictures, make an account and make me a contact.
- If the content of your text is not appropriate for school display, you will recieve a dramatically reduced grade.
Room Cleanup
- Tools need to be returned
- Areas around equipment needs to be cleaned up
- The room needs to be in better shape for the start of the new semester.
- Everbody needs to participate
- Post test on unit two
- discussion of displays
- recap on semester
- By the end of this period, you should aim to have two displays ready
- If the first one still needs work, you may add to it
- Friday will be clean up
- Post test on unit two
- debrief on the semester
- create two displays in the remaining two classes
- Finish up the one that you started last class
- Start in on the next one this class
- Thursday should be the last class for the project
- Friday will be clean up
Layout of the week
- 4 classes this week
- Monday, Tuesday and Thursday are for creating the display of projects
- Friday is a clean up day for the shop
- The exam will involve a post test of the term's work
- Create a display to explain the concepts we have worked with this semester
- The display should be either in a paper box or on a heavy paper board
- The display should include data you have gathered
- The audience is students and teachers in the school
- The display may also be used to show potential students
- the display should be carefully crafted, and have some attention to detail
- The display should explain the concept we covered in the project
- The display should include photos if available
- The display should include physical artifacts from doing the project
- Test the samples
- Put data into a spreadsheet for display?
- Graph data of time based samples
- What are the alternative aggregates good for?
- The concrete section of the notebook is due on Friday
- Temperature measuring
- Thermometers
- measuring temperature over time
- Compare inside temperature to outside temperature
- Read the notbook section on the steady state box
- The steady state box section is due on friday
- What are the useful qualities of a mixed use development in Duxbury?
- What should the building have for function?
- Welcome Back
- Concrete Testing
- Another long term sample should be tested
- Notebook on this section is due on last class of this week.
- Data Gathering process
- Notebook on this section is due on last class of this week
- How much of the house project will we get done?
- This class will meet 7 times before exams
- What are the qualities of a sustainably designed house?
- What are the qualities of a sustainably designed development or community?
- Review the plot of land that we will design our project on.
- How will we use the land for maximum use for housing, business and wildlife?
- check out this link: http://subdivision.pbwiki.com/
- Hand it in
- Each group should mix up samples of concrete
- You should mix two samples of standard concrete 3 2 1 ratio
- Cleanup is with water only
- Cleanup of concrete must be done outside
- Cleanup must be done away from the sink or other plumbing
- Testing Concrete cure over time
- The class should mix five or so samples on the same date
- The Samples should be labelled and tested periodically, with proper recordkeeping
- The first sample should be tested after one day
- After that, samples should be tested in roughly one week intervals, one at a time
- Testing alternate aggregates
- Mix up alternate recipes of concrete
- Keep track of the recipes
- Keep track of the date and who mixed the samples
- There should be some identifying tag that follows the samples through the process
- The samples could be stored in envelopes or clear bags for later access
- Keep track of the data of how the samples performed
- Insulate several boxes with varying amounts of insulation
- We need a method for testing the temperature inside the box
- How much of the house project will we get done?
- After vacation, class will meet 7 times before exams
- Check the notebook on the project
- test the concrete you mixed last class
- mix up an alternate mix
- Keep track of the mixes and their test results
- Complete the notebook section on the concrete by the first class after vacation
- Check the notebook on the project
- Somebody from each group should start in on building the box
- This project should be complete by the first class after vacation
- Lets review the material around the house project
- We will have only 9 days of class after vacation
- After vacation, class will meet 7 times before exams
- Due Thursday
- Each group should mix some samples
- Robin and Cece will explain how to make the recipe
- One of the samples mixed last week should be tested
- it will be compared with the results from the other samples mixed on the same day
- we need a bathroom scale
- Stephen, Jon, Evan and Bret with one t will explain how to use the crusher
- We should be done with this experiment this week
- We will need to check into the notebook on the steady state box
- Can we program a lego brick to take the temperature readings?
- We need to build the box
- We should be done with this experiment this week
- Lets review the material around the house project
- We will have only 9 days of class after vacation
- After vacation, class will only meet 5 or 6 times before exams
- What are the mixes?
- Do we have enough aggregates?
- How will we organize the testing?
- How many circuits can we build?
- Do we need more materials for tomorrow?
- The steady state project should be done next week
- Read up on it
- How can we get it done?
- Due today
- At the start of the period
- What are the mixes?
- Do we have enough aggregates?
- How will we organize the testing?
- How many circuits can we build?
- Do we need more materials for tomorrow?
- The steady state project should be done next week
- Read up on it
- How can we get it done?
- Due tomorrow
- At the start of the period
- Make the mixes
- Make the crusher
- Make the steady State circuit
- Chapter 14
- Notebook section on materials testing
- Mixing concrete
- Ratios
- Concrete Crusher
- Notebook section on concrete
- Finish All experiments
- Work on notebook
- This section of the Notebook is due Monday
- Due today
- Ch13 Due today
- Ch14 Due Monday
- Notebook section on materials testing is due monday
- Concrete
- Mixing
- Testing
- Check the notebook
- We need to make the concrete crusher
- Do we have all the parts?
- What needs to be bought at Goodrich?
- Fine tune your experiment
- Follow the directions
- Do your materials tests
- Keep your notebook up to date
- Notebook for the materials testing section due Monday
- Chapter 13 questions due by Friday
- Chapter 14 questions due by Monday
- WATD is looking for some people who can edit audio
- It would probably be sports news
- It would probably be after christmas
- It would probably be paid
- It could help us get towards the goal of creating a radio station in Duxbury
- Talk with Mr. Connors if you are interested.
- They also need someone to play violin and maybe sing on christmas eve.
- Notebook from tower project due
- next section of the notebook
- How quickly can we get this information?
- WATD is looking for some people who can edit audio
- It would probably be sports news
- It would probably be after christmas
- It would probably be paid
- It could help us get towards the goal of creating a radio station in Duxbury
- Talk with Mr. Connors if you are interested.
- They also need someone to play violin and maybe sing on christmas eve.
- A Tower in the Sky
- Due at the start of class
- Answer Questions
- On wiki is better than handwritten
- Due at the start of class
- Include last week in your update
- Tower Project/Failure Analysis
- Complete the tower
- Test at the start of the class for a possible 3 for the on time grade
- Test the tower
- Identify your expenses and materials use
- Use the notebook to do the calculations on the tower
- Bring in the completed notebook pages on Monday.
- A Tower in the Sky
- Due 12-1-06 at the start of class
- Answer Questions
- On wiki is better than handwritten
- Due at the start of class on Friday
- Include last week in your update
- Tower Project/Failure Analysis
- Complete the tower
- Test the tower
- Identify your expenses and materials use
- Use the notebook to do the calculations on the tower
- Bring in the completed notebook pages on Monday.
- A Tower in the Sky
- Due Friday 12-1-06 at the start of class
- Answer Questions
- On wiki is better than handwritten
- Due at the start of class on Friday
- Include last week in your update
- tower project/Failure Analysis
- Build your tower with the supplies available
- Keep track of your materials
- Keep track of your expenses
- We should be able to test this period
- Complete the notebook items relating to this project
- How much weight can your tower hold?
- How much does your tower cost to build using the expenses listed in the notebook?
- How tall is your tower?
- include drawings in your notebook
- Project at SETC in Boston
- Talk with Mr. Connors after class
- first meeting of this project is this saturday 12/2/06
- Notebook Pages 71-84 due at start of period
- Chapter 11 Due Monday at start of period
- Project at SETC in Boston
- Talk with Mr. Connors after class
- first meeting of this project is this saturday 12/2/06
- A Tower in the Sky
- Due Friday 12-1-06
- Answer Questions
- On wiki is better than handwritten
- Review tower project
- Tension and Compression
- Budget materials for tower project
- you might want to review these photos - http://flickr.com/photos/connors934/tags/tower/
- finish decks
- Weigh decks
- Test decks
- Dead Load
- Live Load
- Total Load
- Notebook Pages 71-84 due Monday after Thanksgiving
- Chapter 11 Due Monday after Thanksgiving
- Due at the start of the period
- it should include last week and this week
- Design your deck, build your deck
- The decks should be pretty much done this period
- What is the dead load?
- what is it's capacity for live load?
- What is the total load?
- Clouds - The Long Winters - lyrics [mms://media-wm.cac.washington.edu/isilon/1/8/3d/3d02ffd1-84c8-46a5-8e16-a334ed71c7e1.wma| KEXP recording] Link to The Long Winters in studio recordings page at KEXP
- How big is your room?
- How big is this room?
- How big is a regular classroom?
- Why are the rooms different sizes?
- Subdivisions from the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, future
- Zoning Board of Appeals
- http://www.zillow.com/
- Use of space/Usage Density
- compare square footage of houses in villages vs subdivisions
- Answer the questions on page 75 in your workbook about square footage and use of space on your wiki
- Due at the start of class on Friday
- Include last week in your writing
- The termostat was replaced last friday
- The heater motor was replaced last friday
- Hopefully the room will have heat now.
- We need to move the shopbot back into place.
- Chapter 10 questions due at start of period
- Preview unit through workbook
- How much of this can we get done?
- The big project at the end depends on you knowing the material in the beginning
Estimating measurements
- using your body to measure
- measuring by counting construction materials
- cement blocks, ceiling tiles, floor tiles, sheets of plywood, joists, framing
- here is the term gantt chart: **
- Designing the Building of the future
- Here is a link to the GanttChartsByTerm
- Read Chapter 10 before Monday of next week (hand in questions at start of class)
- Review the notebook before class on Monday of next week
- Delivery Day
- Most of the locker organizers should be in the lockers,
- The organizers should be in use by the customers
- Each group should demonstrate the installation of the organizer.
- Each group should demonstrate the removal of the organizer.
- Each group should demonstrate the good qualities of their organizer.
Organizer Grading
Group Names __________________________________
Completed on time
Computer Aided Design Drawings
Meets criteria of customer
Fits in locker
Can be easily removed from locker
- Delivery of locker organizers
- Delivered by Tuesday
- Come after school today if your group needs more time
- Project feedback
- What did you learn?
- Post test
- Designing sustainable cities
- Notebook
- Chapters in text
- Overview of term, goals
- Pretest
- Pro Desktop is worth knowing
- You might want to learn Pro Engineer.
- You can do an awful lot with Pro D
- If you are going into engineering, you will probably want to get started with Pro E
- We may run a weekend workshop in Pro E, one day, during December or January
Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above.
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