

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 1 month ago



  1. Hand them in today
  2. you can hand them in late until the start of the exam
  3. Complete is important
  4. On time is important
  5. More photos are posted at http://flickr.com/photos/connors934/sets/72157594315088899/
  6. pictures with identifiable people are pretty much all hidden from public view
  7. If you want access to all the high school age kids' pictures, make an account and make me a contact.
  8. If the content of your text is not appropriate for school display, you will recieve a dramatically reduced grade.



Room Cleanup

  1. Tools need to be returned
  2. Areas around equipment needs to be cleaned up
  3. The room needs to be in better shape for the start of the new semester.
  4. Everbody needs to participate



  1. Post test on unit two
  2. discussion of displays
  3. recap on semester





  1. By the end of this period, you should aim to have two displays ready
  2. If the first one still needs work, you may add to it
  3. Friday will be clean up



  1. Post test on unit two
  2. debrief on the semester



  1. create two displays in the remaining two classes
  2. Finish up the one that you started last class
  3. Start in on the next one this class
  4. Thursday should be the last class for the project
  5. Friday will be clean up



Layout of the week

  1. 4 classes this week
  2. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday are for creating the display of projects
  3. Friday is a clean up day for the shop
  4. The exam will involve a post test of the term's work



  1. Create a display to explain the concepts we have worked with this semester
  2. The display should be either in a paper box or on a heavy paper board
  3. The display should include data you have gathered
  4. The audience is students and teachers in the school
  5. The display may also be used to show potential students
  6. the display should be carefully crafted, and have some attention to detail
  7. The display should explain the concept we covered in the project
  8. The display should include photos if available
  9. The display should include physical artifacts from doing the project



  • Concrete Testing
  1. Test the samples
  2. Put data into a spreadsheet for display?
  3. Graph data of time based samples
  4. What are the alternative aggregates good for?
  5. The concrete section of the notebook is due on Friday


  • Steady State Box
  1. Temperature measuring
  2. Thermometers
  3. measuring temperature over time
  4. Compare inside temperature to outside temperature
  5. Read the notbook section on the steady state box
  6. The steady state box section is due on friday


  • Mixed use development
  1. What are the useful qualities of a mixed use development in Duxbury?
  2. What should the building have for function?





  • Welcome Back
  • Concrete Testing
  1. Another long term sample should be tested
  2. Notebook on this section is due on last class of this week.


  • Steady State Box
  1. Data Gathering process
  2. Notebook on this section is due on last class of this week


  • Designing a house
  1. How much of the house project will we get done?
  2. This class will meet 7 times before exams
  3. What are the qualities of a sustainably designed house?
  4. What are the qualities of a sustainably designed development or community?
  5. Review the plot of land that we will design our project on.
  6. How will we use the land for maximum use for housing, business and wildlife?
  7. check out this link: http://subdivision.pbwiki.com/



  • Weekly Update
  1. Hand it in


  1. Each group should mix up samples of concrete
  2. You should mix two samples of standard concrete 3 2 1 ratio
  3. Cleanup is with water only
  4. Cleanup of concrete must be done outside
  5. Cleanup must be done away from the sink or other plumbing


  • Testing Concrete cure over time
  1. The class should mix five or so samples on the same date
  2. The Samples should be labelled and tested periodically, with proper recordkeeping
  3. The first sample should be tested after one day
  4. After that, samples should be tested in roughly one week intervals, one at a time


  • Testing alternate aggregates
  1. Mix up alternate recipes of concrete
  2. Keep track of the recipes
  3. Keep track of the date and who mixed the samples
  4. There should be some identifying tag that follows the samples through the process
  5. The samples could be stored in envelopes or clear bags for later access
  6. Keep track of the data of how the samples performed


  1. Insulate several boxes with varying amounts of insulation
  2. We need a method for testing the temperature inside the box


  • Designing a house
  1. How much of the house project will we get done?
  2. After vacation, class will meet 7 times before exams



  • Concrete
  1. Check the notebook on the project
  2. test the concrete you mixed last class
  3. mix up an alternate mix
  4. Keep track of the mixes and their test results
  5. Complete the notebook section on the concrete by the first class after vacation


  • Steady State Box
  1. Check the notebook on the project
  2. Somebody from each group should start in on building the box
  3. This project should be complete by the first class after vacation


  • Designing a house
  1. Lets review the material around the house project
  2. We will have only 9 days of class after vacation
  3. After vacation, class will meet 7 times before exams


  • Weekly Update
  1. Due Thursday



  • Concrete
  1. Each group should mix some samples
  2. Robin and Cece will explain how to make the recipe
  3. One of the samples mixed last week should be tested
  4. it will be compared with the results from the other samples mixed on the same day
  5. we need a bathroom scale
  6. Stephen, Jon, Evan and Bret with one t will explain how to use the crusher
  7. We should be done with this experiment this week


  • Steady State box
  1. We will need to check into the notebook on the steady state box
  2. Can we program a lego brick to take the temperature readings?
  3. We need to build the box
  4. We should be done with this experiment this week


  • Designing a house
  1. Lets review the material around the house project
  2. We will have only 9 days of class after vacation
  3. After vacation, class will only meet 5 or 6 times before exams




  • Concrete
  1. What are the mixes?
  2. Do we have enough aggregates?
  3. How will we organize the testing?


  • Steady State Box
  1. How many circuits can we build?
  2. Do we need more materials for tomorrow?
  3. The steady state project should be done next week


  • Building project
  1. Read up on it
  2. How can we get it done?


  • Weekly Update
  1. Due today
  2. At the start of the period



  • Concrete
  1. What are the mixes?
  2. Do we have enough aggregates?
  3. How will we organize the testing?


  • Steady State Box
  1. How many circuits can we build?
  2. Do we need more materials for tomorrow?
  3. The steady state project should be done next week


  • Building project
  1. Read up on it
  2. How can we get it done?


  • Weekly Update
  1. Due tomorrow
  2. At the start of the period



  • Concrete
  1. Make the mixes
  2. Make the crusher
  3. Make the steady State circuit




  • Due today
  1. Chapter 14
  2. Notebook section on materials testing


  • Concrete
  1. Mixing concrete
  2. Ratios
  3. Concrete Crusher
  4. Notebook section on concrete



  • Materials Testing
  1. Finish All experiments
  2. Work on notebook
  3. This section of the Notebook is due Monday


  • Weekly Update
  1. Due today


  • Notebook and Chapters
  1. Ch13 Due today
  2. Ch14 Due Monday
  3. Notebook section on materials testing is due monday


  • Next area - Concrete
  1. Concrete
  2. Mixing
  3. Testing
  4. Check the notebook
  5. We need to make the concrete crusher
  6. Do we have all the parts?
  7. What needs to be bought at Goodrich?



  • Materials testing
  1. Fine tune your experiment
  2. Follow the directions
  3. Do your materials tests
  4. Keep your notebook up to date


  • Due Dates
  1. Notebook for the materials testing section due Monday
  2. Chapter 13 questions due by Friday
  3. Chapter 14 questions due by Monday


  • Audio opportunities
  1. WATD is looking for some people who can edit audio
  2. It would probably be sports news
  3. It would probably be after christmas
  4. It would probably be paid
  5. It could help us get towards the goal of creating a radio station in Duxbury
  6. Talk with Mr. Connors if you are interested.
  7. They also need someone to play violin and maybe sing on christmas eve.



  • Hand in
  1. Notebook from tower project due


  • Materials testing
  1. next section of the notebook
  2. How quickly can we get this information?


  • Audio opportunities
  1. WATD is looking for some people who can edit audio
  2. It would probably be sports news
  3. It would probably be after christmas
  4. It would probably be paid
  5. It could help us get towards the goal of creating a radio station in Duxbury
  6. Talk with Mr. Connors if you are interested.
  7. They also need someone to play violin and maybe sing on christmas eve.




  • Chapter 12
  1. A Tower in the Sky
  2. Due at the start of class
  3. Answer Questions
  4. On wiki is better than handwritten


  1. Due at the start of class
  2. Include last week in your update


  • Tower Project/Failure Analysis
  1. Complete the tower
  2. Test at the start of the class for a possible 3 for the on time grade
  3. Test the tower
  4. Identify your expenses and materials use
  5. Use the notebook to do the calculations on the tower
  6. Bring in the completed notebook pages on Monday.



  • Chapter 12
  1. A Tower in the Sky
  2. Due 12-1-06 at the start of class
  3. Answer Questions
  4. On wiki is better than handwritten


  1. Due at the start of class on Friday
  2. Include last week in your update


  • Tower Project/Failure Analysis
  1. Complete the tower
  2. Test the tower
  3. Identify your expenses and materials use
  4. Use the notebook to do the calculations on the tower
  5. Bring in the completed notebook pages on Monday.




  • Chapter 12
  1. A Tower in the Sky
  2. Due Friday 12-1-06 at the start of class
  3. Answer Questions
  4. On wiki is better than handwritten


  1. Due at the start of class on Friday
  2. Include last week in your update



  • tower project/Failure Analysis
  1. Build your tower with the supplies available
  2. Keep track of your materials
  3. Keep track of your expenses
  4. We should be able to test this period
  5. Complete the notebook items relating to this project
  6. How much weight can your tower hold?
  7. How much does your tower cost to build using the expenses listed in the notebook?
  8. How tall is your tower?
  9. include drawings in your notebook


  • Project at SETC in Boston
  1. Talk with Mr. Connors after class
  2. first meeting of this project is this saturday 12/2/06



  • Homework
  1. Notebook Pages 71-84 due at start of period
  2. Chapter 11 Due Monday at start of period


  • Project at SETC in Boston
  1. Talk with Mr. Connors after class
  2. first meeting of this project is this saturday 12/2/06


  • Chapter 12
  1. A Tower in the Sky
  2. Due Friday 12-1-06
  3. Answer Questions
  4. On wiki is better than handwritten


  • Failure Analysis
  1. Review tower project
  2. Tension and Compression
  3. Budget materials for tower project
  4. you might want to review these photos - http://flickr.com/photos/connors934/tags/tower/



  • Deck
  1. finish decks
  2. Weigh decks
  3. Test decks


  • Loads
  1. Dead Load
  2. Live Load
  3. Total Load



  • Homework
  1. Notebook Pages 71-84 due Monday after Thanksgiving
  2. Chapter 11 Due Monday after Thanksgiving






  1. Due at the start of the period
  2. it should include last week and this week


  • Deck
  1. Design your deck, build your deck
  2. The decks should be pretty much done this period
  3. What is the dead load?
  4. what is it's capacity for live load?
  5. What is the total load?



  • Sprawl
  1. Clouds - The Long Winters - lyrics  [mms://media-wm.cac.washington.edu/isilon/1/8/3d/3d02ffd1-84c8-46a5-8e16-a334ed71c7e1.wma| KEXP recording] Link to The Long Winters in studio recordings page at KEXP



  • Measure without tools
  1. How big is your room?
  2. How big is this room?
  3. How big is a regular classroom?
  4. Why are the rooms different sizes?


  • Exploring Duxbury zoning
  1. Subdivisions from the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, future
  2. Zoning Board of Appeals
  3. http://www.zillow.com/


  • Use of space/Usage Density
  1. compare square footage of houses in villages vs subdivisions
  2. Answer the questions on page 75 in your workbook about square footage and use of space on your wiki


  1. Due at the start of class on Friday
  2. Include last week in your writing





  • Heat
  1. The termostat was replaced last friday
  2. The heater motor was replaced last friday
  3. Hopefully the room will have heat now.
  4. We need to move the shopbot back into place.


  • Unit 2
  1. Chapter 10 questions due at start of period
  2. Preview unit through workbook
  3. How much of this can we get done?
  4. The big project at the end depends on you knowing the material in the beginning


Estimating measurements

  1. using your body to measure
  2. measuring by counting construction materials
  3. cement blocks, ceiling tiles, floor tiles, sheets of plywood, joists, framing


    • here is the term gantt chart: **



  • Designing the Building of the future
  1. Here is a link to the GanttChartsByTerm
  2. Read Chapter 10 before Monday of next week (hand in questions at start of class)
  3. Review the notebook before class on Monday of next week


  • Organizer
  1. Delivery Day
  2. Most of the locker organizers should be in the lockers,
  3. The organizers should be in use by the customers
  4. Each group should demonstrate the installation of the organizer.
  5. Each group should demonstrate the removal of the organizer.
  6. Each group should demonstrate the good qualities of their organizer.

Organizer Grading


Group Names __________________________________


Completed on time



Computer Aided Design Drawings



Meets criteria of customer



Fits in locker



Can be easily removed from locker




  • Term 1
  1. Delivery of locker organizers
  2. Delivered by Tuesday
  3. Come after school today if your group needs more time
  4. Project feedback
  5. What did you learn?
  6. Post test


  • Term 2
  1. Designing sustainable cities
  2. Notebook
  3. Chapters in text
  4. Overview of term, goals
  5. Pretest




  • CAD
  1. Pro Desktop is worth knowing
  2. You might want to learn Pro Engineer.
  3. You can do an awful lot with Pro D
  4. If you are going into engineering, you will probably want to get started with Pro E
  5. We may run a weekend workshop in Pro E, one day, during December or January

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