



  1. EndofTermUpdate due today
  2. Quality counts




Boilers and Hulls

  1. Base your designs on the readings and the notebook
  2. Document your work with words and pictures
  3. Post some documentation on Instructables.com for extra credit



  1. EndofTermUpdate due Thursday




Boilers and Hulls

  1. Base your designs on the readings and the notebook
  2. Document your work with words and pictures
  3. Post some documentation on Instructables.com for extra credit



  1. EndofTermUpdate due last class this week - Thursday




Boilers and Hulls

  1. Base your designs on the readings and the notebook
  2. Document your work with words and pictures
  3. Post some documentation on Instructables.com for extra credit


Due Dates

  1. 3.6 3.7 3.8 today
  2. chapters: 21 22 23 today
  3. WeeklyUpdate today
  4. EndofTermUpdate due last class next week





hand backs

  1. Hand back of graded material
  2. Everything is graded
  3. Term is up end of next week


Boiler and hull revisions

  1. Base your revisions on the readings and notebook
  2. Document your work with words and pictures
  3. Let Mr. Connors know if you need pictures taken
  4. Instructables.com
  5. Make sure you don't leave any pheumatic nailings in the tables.



Projects for the next 12 months

  1. Some themes environmental, cnc machining, windmill, radio station and studio
  2. Projects should have long term and intermediate goals
  3. projects could lead towards senior service projects, but don't have to



Boiler and hull revisions

  1. Base your revisions on the readings and notebook
  2. Document your work with words and pictures
  3. Let Mr. Connors know if you need pictures taken
  4. Instructables.com


Due Dates

  1. Notebook:3.2 3.3 3.5 today 3.6 3.7 3.8 end of the week
  2. chapters: 21 22 23 end of the week


This year's Juniors

  1. What long term projects are you considering for the next 12 months?


T shirts

  1. Interested in sikscreen t shirt printing?
  2. There is an opportunity to visit G and G silkscreen printing in Plymouth
  3. This will be an after school thing
  4. Talk with Mr. Connors if you are interested



Due Dates

  1. Notebook:3.2 3.3 3.5 today 3.6 3.7 3.8 end of the week
  2. chapters: 21 22 23 end of the week


Boiler revisions

  1. louder faster slower power
  2. Revisions should be repeatable and documented


Press form hull

  1. make the form
  2. attach the form to a base
  3. use the form to press a hull
  4. How does this process use hydraulics?
  5. How is this process used outside this classroom?
  6. What are the principles of hydraulics in play here?


info on trhe boat redesign - http://www.sciencetoymaker.org/boat/asembCartlRvs6_25.htm




Put put boats

  1. boiler revisions
  2. Pick one
  3. louder, faster, slower, power
  4. your reviusions should be repeatable and documented
  5. Your revisions should be based on the information in the chapters and the notebook


Weekly Update

  1. Due today


Due Dates

  1. Notebook:3.2 3.3 3.5 monday 3.6 3.7 3.8 end of next week
  2. chapters: 21 22 23 end of next week



Acetone demo

  1. effects of heat on volume and pressure


Put put boats

  1. boiler revisions
  2. Pick one
  3. louder, faster, slower, power
  4. your reviusions should be repeatable and documented
  5. Your revisions should be based on the information in the chapters and the notebook


Weekly Update

  1. Due tomorrow


Due Dates

  1. Notebook:3.2 3.3 3.5 monday 3.6 3.7 3.8 end of next week
  2. chapters: 21 22 23 end of next week




Put Put Boats

  1. Boiler redesign
  2. louder, faster, slower, more power pick one
  3. Design the boiler so that it will meet one improvement
  4. Have drawings and instructions for the build


Press form

  1. Hand cut form
  2. cut the form
  3. how can the shopbot be used to make the form?




  1. Due today


Put Put Boats

  1. Acetone pump
  2. How does the boiler work?


Press form

  1. Hand cut form
  2. Technique to cut form




Put Put Boats

  1. explorations in pressure
  2. Foam boats are only acceptable for testing multiple hulls


Press form hull

  1. Check out the notebook section on the press form hull
  2. How does the hydraulic press work?
  3. Make a hydraulic press
  4. Make a boat form


Hand in

  1. Notebook on boiler
  2. Explanation of boiler



  1. Due Friday(tomorrow)



Put Put Boats

  1. Notebook on boiler
  2. Explanation of boiler



Put Put boats

  1. How can you explain the function of the boiler?
  2. How does the boiler match up with the reading?
  3. What are the tolerances of the boiler? size/surface area/tubing size
  4. What would the ideal size for the boiler be?
  5. What can you do to move towards a patent on your new design?



Weekly update

  1. Hand it in



  1. You should have a print of your process from your wiki
  2. Test the process on a classmate
  3. See what needs to change
  4. Write up the changes for the process
  5. Do you need photos of the process?
  6. set up an instructable for extra credit
  7. add the tags duxtech and dhsengineering putput to the instructable to make it searchable




Boiler and Hull revisions

  1. Continue to develop techniques for revisions


Technique documentation

  1. What are the processes you have developed in this project
  2. Each person needs to write up at least one new process
  3. you should photograph and write up how to do it
  4. Write it up by hand, then write it on your wiki
  5. Hand in the wiki version by thursday
  6. We will use the wiki version to create an instructable





  1. Yesterday there was a considerable amount of mess
  2. Put away tools before leaving
  3. Sweep up mess before leaving
  4. This is part of your effort grade


Boiler and Hull revisions

  1. What are the techniques for your revisions?
  2. Write up and document your revisions
  3. How can you tell that your new design is worthwhile?
  4. If you are working on the boiler, do you understand how the boiler works?


Pressure and color coding

  1. What are the parallels between pressure and temperature?
  2. What does the notebook say about pressure and color?
  3. What are the systemic rules about pressure?



Boiler and Hull Revisions

  1. Test revisions
  2. document revisions
  3. how does the boiler work?


Pressure and color coding

  1. What are the parallels between pressure and temperature?
  2. What does the notebook say about pressure and color?
  3. What are the systemic rules about pressure?



Boiler and hull revisions

  1. Where do we stand with these ideas?
  2. How does the boiler work?
  3. How do we test our revisions?




Due today

  1. Chapters 18-19-20
  2. WeeklyUpdate


Put Put

  1. Boiler and hull revisions
  2. We will sum up this aspect of the project after vacation



Put Put

  1. Hull testing/design revisions
  2. Boiler testing/design revisions
  3. Latex caulk
  4. How do you know you have improved the design of the boat?
  5. What is different about the materials you have used?
  6. What is good or bad about the steel that you may have used?


Temperature and color coding

  1. How do you see things in the temperature color scheme?
  2. What can you do to slow or speed the flow?
  3. How can you show the flow of temperature?


Due Dates

  1. Chapters 18, 19, 20 before vacation
  2. Weekly Update Friday



Put Put

  1. Hull design revisions
  2. Testing of hull designs
  3. Boiler design revisions, smaller or larger?
  4. Testing of boiler designs


Temperature and color coding

  1. What are your thoughts on the reading from last night?
  2. How can you see and use this system to visualize temperature in systems?
  3. What else can you use this system for?


Due Dates

  1. Chapters 18, 19, 20 before vacation
  2. WeeklyUpdate Friday
  3. Get these in before you go away if you have field trips or planned travel!



Due Dates

Chapters 18, 19, 20 befopre vacation


Put Put

  1. We should be largely done with the brake formed hull process this week



Here are a few segments available online

  1. http://link.brightcove.com/services/link/bcpid336123936/bclid335998790/bctid447868213
  2. http://link.brightcove.com/services/link/bcpid336123936/bclid335998790/bctid352432966
  3. http://link.brightcove.com/services/link/bcpid336123936/bclid335998790/bctid335999772
  4. http://link.brightcove.com/services/link/bcpid336123936/bclid335998790/bctid370380531
  5. http://link.brightcove.com/services/link/bcpid336123936/bclid335998790/bctid372311375!!2-8-07



  1. Review the print and we will have a discussion some time this week



Due Dates

  1. Weekly Update today
  2. Notebook pages 139-159 due yesterday
  3. Chapters due before vacation


Put Put

  1. Functioning boats
  2. How can you make the boat better using the brake formed hull technique?
  3. How can you make the boiler better?
  4. do not spill the wax out of the candles
  5. Keep the water in the tubs
  6. What performance qualities are you looking for in your boat?


Course Selection

Full year offering:

Semester Offering




Due Dates

  1. Weekly Update tomorrow
  2. Notebook pages 139-159 due at start of class
  3. Chapter dates identified during class


Put Put

  1. boats with boilers
  2. Repair boilers
  3. How can the boats be revised to be better?


Make Controller

  1. We have a Make Controller for use on the DHSFAB.pbwiki.com project
  2. Looking for collaborators on the project



Due Dates

  1. Notebook pages 139-159 due wed at start of class
  2. Chapters:


Put Put

  1. test boilers
  2. install boilers
  3. test boats


Color coding scheme

  1. What can be color coded?
  2. ColorCodingForHeatandChange




Put Put Boat

  1. Boilers
  2. Test a completed boat
  3. Assembly of the boat and boilers



  1. Due Today at start of class



Put Put Boat

  1. Boilers
  2. Test a completed boat
  3. Assembly of the boat and boilers



  1. Due Tomorrow


MATE Contest

  1. http://dhsrov.pbwiki.com/
  2. We are looking for some partipants
  3. All grades and genders are welcome
  4. Check with Mr. Connors for more info


CNC Project

  1. http://dhsfab.pbwiki.com/
  2. Make Magazine has donated a controller
  3. We will need to figure out how to program it
  4. Here is the controller - http://www.makezine.com/controller/
  5. This machine will allow you to 'print' your CAD designs
  6. Check with Mr. Connors for more info


Electives Assembly

  1. Annual meet and greet with 8th graders
  2. We need a couple of students
  3. A mix of girls and boys is best
  4. Bring some stuff you have made
  5. Here is the link to the request - http://duxtech.pbwiki.com/ElectivesAssembly2007
  6. Talk to Mr. Connors to get on the list


Other Stuff

  1. RFID antennae
  2. Save the Mooninites!
  3. Hack Contest?




Put Put Boat

  1. Hulls should be pretty much complete
  2. Demo a working boat
  3. Making the boiler
  4. working with epoxy
  5. need bendy straws


MATE contest

  1. The project has a wiki - dhsrov.pbwiki.com
  2. Come after school or speak with Mr. Connors at lunch this week to find out more about the contest


CNC machine project

  1. The plans of the device have been printed
  2. The project has a wiki - http://dhsfab.pbwiki.com/
  3. Make Magazine has donated a controller
  4. We have about a half sheet of 3/4" mdf for the project, it should be enough or pretty close





Hand in

  1. Chapter 17
  2. Late will be accepted for discounted grade


Put Put Boat

  1. Brake formed hull
  2. Complete the hull today
  3. Boiler
  4. Cans, start the boiler today
  5. We could have functioning boats next class


MATE Remote Controlled Vehicle (ROV) contest

  1. Duxbury High School will be entering a ROV contest
  2. The competition date is April 27 and 28
  3. This is an after school project
  4. The list of other schools competing is on this page: http://www.marinetech.org/rov_competition/regional_contests/regional_contest.php?rov_competition_id=23
  5. Information about the competition is here: http://www.marinetech.org/rov_competition/2007/international_comp_2007.php


CNC fabrication machine project

  1. Make Magazine has provided a set of plans for us to make a computer controlled tool
  2. The link to the web posting about the project is here: http://www.makezine.com/blog/archive/2007/01/cnc_router_plan.html
  3. The link to the company's site about the plans is here: http://www.stonehook.net/cnchome.htm
  4. We will make the machine and document our process and progress
  5. Here is a start on our documentation: http://dhsfab.pbwiki.com/
  6. Make Magazine will post information about our project on this site:
  7. The magazine may put information about our projec in the printed edition



Put Put Boat

  1. Brake Formed Hull
  2. Boiler
  3. Press Formed Hull
  4. Shopbot to make form?


Surplus Graphing Calculator

  1. Where can they be gotten cheap?
  2. Anybody got one they can part with for the semester?




Display boxes from first semester

  1. Discussion of projects
  2. video or audio recording of discussions
  3. Move displays up to Academic Fair room
  4. When Academic Fair space ends, some displays will move to DMS


Term 3

  1. Overview


  1. Notebooks
  2. Chapters
  3. Preliminary due dates
  4. Pretest



Return of student work

  1. Return of exams and other work


Display boxes from first semester

  1. Discussion of projects
  2. video or audio recording of discussions
  3. Move displays up to Academic Fair room
  4. When Academic Fair space ends, some displays will move to DMS


Term 3

  1. Overview
  2. Notebooks
  3. Chapters
  4. Preliminary due dates
  5. Pretest


Scence Fair needs judges

  1. March 17 2007
  2. Nice thing to do
  3. There are some neat projects
  4. send an email to j_lynn@duxbury.k12.ma.us
  5. http://duxtech.pbwiki.com/ScienceFairNeedsJudges


Underwater Robotics competition

  1. MATE competition
  2. DHS should send a team
  3. This will probably be an after school project
  4. The Robotics class will likely do a project similar to this
  5. The deadline for the application is relatively soon


Here are some links




