
Exam - BuildingPresentation0708


Robotics Team

Robotics team after school starting next week

We could use some people familiar with C/C++


Courses for next year:

Tech Ed

Principles of Technology

Full year engineering - Level one


Build Repair


Computer Science

Intro to programming - c++

Intro to programming - Java

Web Design

AP Comp Science


After School Technology/Engineering club

come by after school if you have a project you would like to work on.



Groups should work on their buildings and lots.

upload your Sketchup designs to your wiki

upload your Sketchup designs to the google warehouse (click on the share button)

Get into the units and design the layouts for them.


During the exam, each group will present their buildings

You should include:

What the features of the building are

The layout of the floors, and how it serves the needs of the town.

The layout of the apartments, stores, offices and restaurants and how it will be good for the people living in/using the building.

The advantages of the building over the current use of the property.

You can use printouts of your designs, the display and other materials as you need them.




Each group needs to:


Over the weekend, you should make some sketchup samples to show your group. Take a look at the property. What can you do that makes use of the way the property is now?



Due at teh start of the period

If you don't have it done, hand it in later today.

Do not do it during this class.




Testing Areas:

Notebook and report due this period

Print a copy for each of the students in the class

Each student should get a copy of the reports of each group.



A number of students are interested in mixing up and testing samples.

A person from each of the concrete groups should assist with the mixing and preparation of the samples.


MultiUseBuilding0708 Click here for more info





Testing areas:

Have your notebook done tomorrow.

Each group needs to have a one page report describing the testing and concepts covered in your materials test. Use the wiki, and we can print one off for the other students in the class.



this link looks like it will work for making your charts of the data - http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/createagraph/


MultiUseBuilding0708 Click here for more info



Due Friday, include last week



Testing areas:

Heat Transfer, concrete, materials

Complete your testing this period.

Each group should create a one page report summarizing the experiment and the concepts it shows by Wednesday. The notebook section on this experiment is due on Wednesday.


Next class we will resume the design of your multi use building.


Botball Robotics team starting up this semester.

There is a meeting this afternoon in Mrs. Lewis' room after school.



Three testing areas: Heat transfer, concrete and materials testing

Use one period to set up the test, a second period to do the test and follow up. On the third period, each group should have a one page report on their findings of the testing area. The other people in the class who did not do your testing area should be able to understand what you have learned and experienced.



Each person should create a set of drawings to show what the building might have for floorplans and features. We will be designing the building next week. The building will be on the site across the street from FarFar's where Millbrook market is to where Goodrich Lumber used to be.



Report on the tower

Use photos of the build and test process in your report.

Here are the photos - http://flickr.com/photos/connors934/sets/72157603187696980/

Notebook on the tower

Heads up on the building project


Design your multi use building:



There are a couple of slots available for a two day conference to get training for Botball, a robotics competition.

Here is a link to a video explaining last year's contest - http://files.kipr.org/botball.org/movies/BB07-game-BOSSKv1-320x240.mov

Here are some photos - http://www.flickr.com/photos/botguy/sets/72157594499366666/



Due at the start of the period.



Tower testing

1/2 lb 1 lb and 2 lb weights are available

We are looking to see:


From your building and testing, you should be able to determine a number of things:


Each person should write their own report on the tower. Use the questions above, and those in the Engineers' notebook. You should put the report on your wiki, or you could use the wiki to display the information.


The report should be complete by the end of the next class.

Design your multi use building:




Due next class




Finish towers

Test towers

1/2 lb 1 lb and 2 lb weights are available

We are looking to see:


From your building and testing, you should be able to determine a number of things:


Design your multi use building:





Tower Build

During this period, finish your tower.

Next class, they will be tested until they fail.

If you need to buy more materials, you can do so during this period.

Make sure you read through pages 22 and 23 in the notebook on bending an compression.

Transfer your materials purchases into your notebooks.


When we test them, we will be trying to see a number of things:

How much weight did the tower carry?

Where did the tower fail? - Failure Location

In what way did the tower fail? - Failure Mode

Check out the list of forces on page 25 of their Engineer’s Notebook: Tension, Compression, Bending, Torsion, and Shear


From your building and testing, you should be able to determine a number of things:

How expensive was your tower to build?

How much weight did it carry?

What is the benefit to cost ratio?


Look for multiuse buildings in Duxbury and surrounding communities. You will be designing a building that has more than a single use.



Due this period



Tower Design

Each person should have a tower design.

Compare designs, explain what you think works best about your design.

Agree on a design that you will build.

Make a drawing of what you will build.

Make a supply list of what you will need.

Buy the supplies you need.

Keep written track of the supplies you purchase.

Build the tower.

If you need to, you can test the tower as you build.

You will have this period and next period to build.


Testing will happen at the start of the third period.

Your tower needs to hold at least two pounds of live load.

Your goal is to build the tower so it will hold the most weight inexpensively.

Holding more weight is good.

Using a minimum of materials is good.



Due Friday



Tower Design

What are the forces acting on a tower?

Materials - paper, tape, straws and paperclips

Teams of two - Each person should choose somebody in the class with whom they have not worked. Write the name on a slip and hand it in before the end of class.

Each person will make a design of a tower that they think will work to hold the most amount of weight for the least amount of cost.

Reading Chapter 11, a Tower in the Sky will help you understand the forces acting on a tower.


The tower:

Individuals will have today in class to design.

Teams will select the best design before they get materials

Each person will need to draw the tower the group is going to build before materials can be bought.

Teams will have one period to build, they will be tested the next period

must be at least 18" tall, extra height is is extra

must be free standing

must be able to support a flat piece of plywood to hold the weights.


Robotics contests -

FIRST – March 28-29, 2008 – www.bostonfirst.org

Design Competition – June 1, 2008 – http://www.bu.edu/eng/design/

MATE - underwater robot competition - http://www.marinetech.org/rov_competition/2008/index.php

ProDesktop Design contest - link



Groups with designs that did not hold the live load, can redesign.

notebooks on the deck and Aquarium are due by end of the period.

What is the role of information gathering in a project like this?

How does teamwork and team dynamics play in making the project successful?


Make a scaled orthographic drawing of your final deck design.

The drawing of the deck should be 1:12 of the full size structure, and 1:1 of the model you made.

Explain how you would redesign the deck to hold 1,000 pounds in the center of the deck with a minumum of additional cost.



Chapter 11 due

WeeklyUpdate Due

Notebook on this section is due next class.


Deck design

Finish up the decks

Live load test vs safety factor of two test

What is the live load, dead load and total load of your deck?

Aquarium tank in notebook


Look at Hall's Corner as an example of New Urbanism

Walkable, housing is available above many of the shops

The Shops at Derby Street is similar, but is all commercial, so residential.

Whole Foods in Hingham has excellent choices of materials, and there is lots of written explanations about how and why they chose the building materials.



Due Dates

Chapter 11 due Friday

WeeklyUpdate Due Friday


Results from yesterday's deck design

What worked in your design?

Which designs worked best?

How can you hold the posts up with the least amount of material?

Where was the load best supported?

Where was the load the least supported?

What was the actual live load, dead load, total load?

You should have a drawing of the design that you made yesterday.


Redesign the deck -

Here is a sample from the timbertech.com site etfdeck.pdf

Make a new design that can support the live load of the people, table, chairs, grill.

Make a drawing of what you will build.

Build it and do some preliminary tests before the end of the period

We will do tests on each of the decks at the start of next period.

If time allows, work on the questions about your deck in your notebook.


Some mixed use buildings in Duxbury:

104 Tremont Street, Dr. Wiemeyer/medical building

1550 Tremont Street, Snug Harbor Tile building Upstairs is a huge apartment

Corner of Railroad Av and Alden Street, offices below, apartments above


New materials:

6 1 inch strips

3 straws

12" of tape


Due dates:

Chapter 11 due Friday

WeeklyUpdate due Friday



Info on Designing a deck


Design and build a model of a deck that would be 8 feet by 11 feet and 3 feet high.

Build and test the deck this period

Next period redesign and build

Chapter 11 due Friday





Due at start of period tomorrow. Include last week.


Chapter 10

Redesigning America


Form teams

Sustainable buildings


New Groups

Discuss and identify


What is important to people when they buy a home or rent an apartment?

What would you like to find in a place where you live an work?

What about surroundings and location?


What might limit your choice of a house or apartment?



What is urban sprawl?

Can you find signs of urban sprawl in your community

What are some ways to meet peoples's needs while preserving the natural world?



Use page 12 to show an initial design of a multi use building that would meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.



Here are a few links on this relatively new design aesthetic




Use measurements to calculate usage density (area/#people using the space)

classroom, bedroom, house

Why is there variation in the usage density?



Explain what you feel your stengths are in group situations




Chapter 10 - Peter Park - Redesigning America

Read and answer questions

p 71-75 in notebook



Due Friday at the start of class

Include the days before Thanksgiving in your update




Overview of term

What is sprawl?





Measure area of a classroom your house, and bedroom

Make orthographic sketches of the floorplan of each of the three spaces

Add the dimensions to the sketches

calculate the usage density of the spaces



Due last class of this week

Include last week